jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Gobierno Escolar

Los estudiantes del establecimiento se están preparando para formar el gobierno escolar, el cual estará conformado por alumnos de diferentes grados.[gallery]

3 comentarios:

  1. muy bien profe por su publicacion felciitaciones

  2. LWdBPx Is anybody strong in radio here? We need a colleague who would tell us briefly about the transistor T2. I hope there are radio amateurs here. If it`s not on the subject at all, then I`m sorry. I have to write because I have no choice. PS: if the spelling is not right then also I'm sorry, I'm just 13 years old!....

  3. nwSpGo Internet is written with the capital letter in a sentence, by the way. And hundredths are written not with a point but with a comma. This is according to the standard. And actually everything is very good..!!


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